
субота, 28. децембар 2013.

Zivot je borba!

Ako ne poznajes ni neprijatelja ni sebe, sigurno ćeš u svakom ratu biti poražen. Bitka se pobeđuje ili gubi prvo u srcu, pa onda na bojištu. Bolje je boriti se i bitku izgubiti, nego nikad se ne boriti. Borbu je izmislila priroda, a mržnju čovek. Život je dosadan kad nema borbe. Između dobijene i izgubljene bitke leže imperije. Pobeda je beskorisna, ali je borba lepa. Posle završene bitke svi su generali pametni. Često je očaj dobijao bitke. Onde gde nema nikakve borbe, ne može biti niti pobede. Ljudi pametni i energični bore se do kraja, a ljudi glupi i beskorisni pokoravaju se bez ikakve borbe svim sitnim slučajnostima svog besmislenog postojanja. Posrćem, padam, ustajem…Teškom mukom nastavljam dalje, ali idem napred…Sve sam željnija i sve više i više se penjem. Nazirem sve širi horizont. Svaka je borba – pobeda. Život je borba, a borba zahteva energiju, upornost, istrajnost...

среда, 25. децембар 2013.

Merry Christmas!

недеља, 15. децембар 2013.

Sitnice koje život znače

Zivot čine male, stvari.....do velikih se dugo čeka, nekada i ne dođe.. Pružite sebi šansu da uzivate u malim stvarima!


Hrabrost podrazumeva neustrašivost ili junaštvo. U osnovi hrabrosti nalazi se jaka želja za ispunjavanjem svog cilja usprkos velikim preprekama, opasnostima i teškoćama. Hrabar čovek se oseća sposobnim i ima dovoljno samopouzdanja da rizikuje kako bi ostvario nešto. Hrabrost daje snagu i istrajnost za savladavanje teškoća i nastojanje za pronalaženjem rešenja i snagu za prevazilaženjem straha. Hrabrost može biti i spremnost žrtvovanja vlastitog života. Hrabrost nije poricanje straha, ni odsutnost straha. Naprotiv - to je odluka iz slobodnog izbora da se učini ono što je potrebno, uprkos osećaju straha. Razlikuje se: fizička hrabrost, koja označava sposobnost suočavanja sa strahom, bola moralna hrabrost, koja znači sposobnost da se iskaže mišljenje, rizikujući ismevanje ili osude. A najveća hrabrost je prkositi bolu, živeti sa njim, ne pokazujući ga drugima, i uprkos svemu veseliti se životu sa osmehom...

Moć navike

Dobitnik Pulicerove nagrade. Većina svakodnevnih izbora liči na posledice dobro promišljenog odlučivanja, ali oni to nisu. Oni su navike. I premda svaka srazmerno malo znači sama po sebi, s vremenom te navike imaju ogroman uticaj na naše zdravlje, produktivnost i sreću. U Moći navike, nagrađivani novinar Njujork tajmsa Čarls Djuhig vodi nas do naučnih otkrića koja objašnjavaju zašto postoje i kako se mogu menjati navike – preoblikujući nam posao, okruženje i život. Nakon čitanja ove knjige sigurno na isti način nećete posmatrati svet oko sebe. Knjiga „Moć navike“ sadrži studije o navikama ispunjena je istraživanjima, primerima i savetima. Ovo je veoma poučna knjiga, ispunjena primerima iz istorije, situacijama i navikama sa kojima se često susrećemo svi, ali i delovima koji se odnose na velika, svetski poznata preduzeća i njihove poslovne strategije. Svi imamo navike a u okviru ove knjige se nalaze saveti koji će nam pružiti početnu pomoć ka njihovom prevazilaženju. To je početak, ostalo je na samom pojedincu, na trudu i vrednom radu i želji za promenom. Najveća vrlina čoveka je da se menja, a upravo ova knjiga će vam pomoći u tome.

четвртак, 12. децембар 2013.


Jazz dance is a classification shared by a broad range of dance styles. Before the 1950s, jazz dance referred to dance styles that originated from African American vernacular dance. In the 1950s, a new genre of jazz dance — modern jazz dance — emerged, with roots in Caribbean traditional dance. Every individual style of jazz dance has roots traceable to one of these two distinct origins. Jazz was a big hit in the early 50's and it is still a well loved style of dance all over the world. Moves Used In Jazz Dance include Jazz Hands, Kicks, Leaps, Sideways Shuffling, Rolled Shoulders, and Turned Knees.Ballet is a type of performance dance that originated in the Italian Renaissance courts of the 15th century and later developed into a concert dance form in France and Russia. It has since become a widespread, highly technical form of dance with its own vocabulary based on French terminology. It has been globally influential and has defined the foundational techniques used in many other dance genres. Ballet may also refer to a ballet dance work, which consists of the choreography and music for a ballet production. A well-known example of this is The Nutcracker, a two-act ballet that was originally choreographed by Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov with a music score by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

субота, 7. децембар 2013.


Coco Chanel was a revolutionary women in more ways than can be described. She changed fashion the way women dress. The woman who invented the, to this day, the best selling perfume for women, Chanel No. 5, once said: “A women who doesn’t wear perfume has no future.” – Coco Chanel Today, there are thousands of perfumes to choose from. Some are better than others, and in this post, you can learn more about them. What Are Perfumes? Perfume is a mixture of essential oils, aroma compounds, fixatives, and solvents. The concentration of these ingredients decides the longevity and the intensity of the perfume:  Eau de Parfume – contains from 10-20% (typically 15%) of aromatic compounds – These are long lasting perfumes, that are a bit more expensive than eau de toilette.  Eau de Toilette - contains from 5-15% (typically 10%) of aromatic compounds. This means that the intensity and longevity are not as strong as eau de parfume.  Perfume extract – contains from 15-40% (typically 20%) of aromatic compounds. It is the strongest and the most expensive perfume. But this also means that you only need a few drops to smell good all day long. How to put on perfume! Often times women complain about perfumes not staying on a long time. Here are some advice on how to put perfume the right way.  Apply perfume to the pulse points of the wrists and throat. Do it from a distance of 5-6 inches.  Over-applying, thinking that the scent will stay strong all day long, is not the way to go. Subtly is the key to proper application.  Re-applying the perfume throughout the day is not recommendable. Your smelling sense becomes desensitized to fragrances and you will not be able to smell the perfume while others still can.  Never put different perfumes on at the same time – the mixture of the scents will most likely make a horrible combination! How to choose your perfume  Wear a fresh perfume during summer and a sweet during winter. For instance a perfume like D&G ‘Light Blue’ is a very fresh and soft summery scent, while Chloé’s ‘Elle’ is a stronger and more solid scent that warms the cold days of winter.  Many women have a signature perfume – ‘This smells like you’. There is nothing wrong with having that one perfume that you love, but a little variety never hurt anyone, and you should have a few different perfumes to choose from for evening and day looks.  Some perfumes are more suitable for some age groups – when in doubt, ask the person selling the perfume about it! Celebrity Perfumes – Yay or Nay? Celebrity endorsed perfumes have become a must in Hollywood. Not for people wearing them, but for the celebrity. Almost everyone has their own perfume, Paris Hilton, Victoria Beckham, Jennifer Lopez, Beyoncé, Britney Spears and even personalities and bands like Kiss, Cliff Richard, Tim McGraw and Carlos Santana. The most expensive perfume in the world Clive Christian No. 1 Pure Perfume – a mere $2,350 at Saks Fifth Avenue buys you a 30ml handmade lead-crystal bottle of No. 1 Pure Perfume, complete with a single natural white brilliant cut diamond in its gold collar.
And my favourite parfume is: